Total Customer Service means...
Sure Cast acknowledges customers’ questions and needs quickly.  Our prompt quotation policy helps you make decisions and avoid new product design delays.
In-house procedures allow us to check on parts in process and reply to all requests.
Total Customer Service means...
In order to produce to their designs, Sure Cast customers feel confident entrusting their tooling and production challenges to our cost conscious, well-trained management and engineering team. We are dedicated to creative problem solving.
Total Customer Service means...
Sure Cast built its reputation on consistently producing parts to customer requirements.  We assure quality at each stage of the process.  By working with every department, our motivated Quality Assurance Team has cultivated a commitment to quality.
Total Customer Service means.
Sure Cast is an industry leader in on-time delivery.  To help you remain competitive in today’s rapidly changing markets, Sure Cast is always alert to new trends and technology.  We know that meeting our customers’ delivery requirements is
essential.  We offer flexible and realistic lead times.
Total Customer Service means
What does it mean to